Sunday, January 5, 2014

Theme of the Year

I've been thinking a lot lately about life. Surely we aren't supposed to just go about our day going to work or cleaning the house or completing to-do lists. Its so easy to get wrapped up in "getting stuff done" that you are actually not getting anything least anything important. 

So this year we are practicing taking our mind off ourself. 

Pretty hard in a world obsessed with words like self-esteem, self-actualization, self-promotion, and self-worth. And don't forget about all the "selfie" Facebook photos.

Our plan is to continue our acts of kindness, but to go beyond that by changing the way we see the world. I want these babies, as they grow, to constantly be looking for ways to make life better for others.To smile, to be on the look out for people who need help, to clean up trash on the floor even if we didn't leave it, to pray for people we don't know, to encourage others...

Maybe my babies are too young to understand, but maybe they aren't. Either way, one day they will be old enough to understand and they will already have developed good habits.

Saw this prayer today about kindness:

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