Monday, June 17, 2013

B Week has Begun

Today I made a bunch of blue balloon people that looked like this:

Mr. Meaniepants:

His lovely wife:

Their crazy next door neighbor who lost an arm apparently:

And several more.

I made them with balloons and googly eyes from the dollar store and some construction paper that I had in the house. Of course they were blue because blue starts with B and its our color of the week.

I hid these people around the yard and The Princess collected them. Every time she found one I said Bah Bah Ballon. I focus more on the sound than on the name of the letter.

Then she loaded them in the wagon she got for Christmas. (Thanks Dad).
And kissed a few of them here and there.
The Princess took them out of the wagon and put them back in for quite a while. I was happy that she was making the B sound for a lot of the time.
This activity was a lot of fun for both of us!!!!!!!

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